The Porch Facade

Client: Bradley Caldwell, Inc.

Bradley Caldwell, Inc. (BCI) is a family-owned and operated wholesale distributor. They supply retail centers with Pet, Home, Tools & Fencing, Lawn & Garden, Pond, Wild Bird, Equine, and Livestock products in 16 states throughout the East Coast. They hold 2 private trade shows per year, so their vendors and dealers can meet face to face. In order to create an engaging environment, BCI chooses a theme for every trade show and transforms the space to reflect that theme. For many years, Illustrated Designs has partnered with BCI to make their visions a reality.

In 2017, we created “The Porch.” “The Porch” was a 3D facade of a home designed, built, and installed by the Illustrated Designs team. The display was constructed with various types of wood treated with fire-retardant. Our fabricator built and dry-fitted all of the pieces back at the shop then transported the sections to the venue. Final assembly took place on site. After about 8 weeks of design and construction, the finished product stands 15’ tall and 19’ long!

“The Porch” was a highlight of BCI’s 2017 trade show. This custom display allowed BCI to showcase home and garden products on and around the display. Plants were hand-picked and placed by ID to bring a natural, at-home feeling to the display area. From the life-size windows and doors to the hanging flower baskets, we took care of every last detail. The durability and assembly of this display allow it to be used again at future events.

“I have personally worked with Tracey Piechocki and Illustrated Design since 1998. During that time we have worked on almost 40 projects for BCI ranging from small regional shows to our full-blown Atlantic City Showstopper. Tracey and ID have been with us on all projects from beginning to end. They have helped us pick and develop themes. They designed and produced all the décor, decorating, layout, and were a big part of the negotiations with the facilities. ID always came in on budget and gave us more than our money’s worth. We are currently contracted with the facilities we use for several years out and know that ID will be a partner with us for all of these future projects.”

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